Study on disability limitation, rehabilitation and social needs of persons affected by leprosy in Kurnool division of Kurnool district


  • Visweswara Rao Guthi Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, SVIMS-Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • A. Sreedevi Department of Community Medicine, Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India



Leprosy, Disabilty limitation, Rehabilitation, Dehabilitation, Social needs, Self care



Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. It affects mainly the peripheral nerves. There is very little data on the types of problems faced by people with leprosy-related disabilities (PLD) and the resulting needs. So this study made an attempt to study the disability limitation, rehabilitation needs of persons affected by leprosy and to assess their dehabilitation status.

Materials and Methods: This is a community based cross–sectional study conducted in Kurnool district. There were 296 registered persons affected by leprosy between May 2012 to October 2013 out of which 276 registered persons affected by leprosy were available for the study. Information collected was to assess the disability limitation, rehabilitation needs, social needs and to assess their dehabilitation status of the registered cases.

Results: This study shown that out of 276 patients affected by leprosy, 65/276 (23.56%) of the study subjects had disabilities. Out of which 9.06 % had only Grade 1 and 14.50% had Grade 2 disability. 65 (100%) of the subjects having deformity needed skin care, 14 (21.53%) needed wound care, 31 (47.69%) needed joint care, 7 (10.76%) needed swelling care, 10 (15.38%) needed nerve care and 2 (3.07%) needed eye care. 15/254 (5.90%) suffered from high level of dehabilitation and 43/254 (16.93%) suffered from medium level of dehabilitation.

Conclusions: Knowledge and practice among those needing self care practices were grossly deficient. The general health staff had not informed in most circumstances to persons affected by leprosy about self care practices in leprosy.High level of dehabilitation in the study population was present only in patients having visible deformity.


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How to Cite

Guthi, V. R., & Sreedevi, A. (2018). Study on disability limitation, rehabilitation and social needs of persons affected by leprosy in Kurnool division of Kurnool district. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 5(8), 3526–3531.



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